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Walking on hot coals

Dishwasher, lights, the stove, your phone

we can’t live without electricity

though it’s still linked to toxicity,

as the coal industry has shown.

The amount of coal energy use

is still at a whopping forty percent

of the global electricity-source blend,

though it’s renewables, we should choose.

Coal is century-old, dead biomass

or was once a dinosaur, if you will,

but if we keep burning it still,

the dead matter might soon be us.

Coal isn’t cool – we know that by heart.

It’s an influential carbon emitter

that makes global warming go quicker

with ten billion tons in the worldwide chart.

It sure is convenient to mine

underground for coal to shove in

a big high-performance oven

and supply the global power line

but the truth is that the little spark

from the carbon, we set on fire

to satisfy the low-cost energy desire

will blacken the future like coal is dark.

Industries like heat, power, and steal

especially in China, the US, and Japan

are trying to make a cheap energy plan

causing the coal’s financial appeal.

To protect climate and environment

we need a soonish coal phase-out,

however, the industry still goes about

fiscal damage and loss of investment.

Since the Paris Agreement in 2015

to stay below the two degrees,

by 2030, all coal-burning must cease

but at present, this seems like a dream.

In despite, there’s positive news, too.

Since 2015, Europe was able to cut

electricity made from coal in half, but

there remains so much more to do.

Next to reducing our carbon output,

a phase-out promotes health protection

by avoiding the ejection

of heavy metals, toxins, and soot.

Through inhaling fine particles or smog

over a million people, on the downside,

die every year worldwide

in cities polluted with coal dust and fog.

Aquatic wildlife is further threatened

when we use water to wash coal

and discharge the mixture back into a hole,

intoxicating fish, groundwater, and wetland.

The continued use of lignite

has covered the world in ashes and dust

but we must adjust what we combust,

otherwise, the world will ignite.

We must cover the “true” external cost

by establishing a CO2 tax

and make up for dirty drawbacks

before the tipping point is crossed.

Let’s not be the fool to still burn fuel

now that there’s much reason to be worried.

Though we dig for matter, once buried,

humanity can’t just bury the problem, too.

We need renewable sources to meet our goals,

decrease coal investments on the spot

or soon the earth will be as hot

as the pain of walking on hot coals.


Written by: Amalie Wegewitz

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